Autumn 5mo.
It’s not a coincidence that I returned to work the first week in January, and this is my first real post in 2009. I’ve certainly thought about writing them, almost everyday really. But like most working moms, I get about 1-2 blessed hours to myself in a whole week. (I have a sneaking suspicion that it’s even less with more than one child.) I’m working part-time, three days a week. It hasn’t been without its hiccups. Trying to carve out a meaningful career in 2/3 the time, be the mom I dream of being, and the wife Matt deserves…well, it ain’ t easy. But I’m confident that everyday that goes by, I will get better at all three.
Thursday nights are blessed in our home. Between knowing my work week is over, looking forward to four uninterrupted days with our girl, and Thursday Night TV, it’s has become the gateway to my weekend. Fridays are even better. This is our fun day. Back in December, Autumn and I started swimming every Friday with a group of friends at the local JCC pool. The first time we went, she looked like she was absorbing everything but the water. Older babies splashing, senior citizens doing water aerobics, and countless old women coming over to comment, “Look at all that beautiful hair!” Yes, our little Autumn and her lovely locks draw lots of attention.
After three continuous months, she seems to love being in the water nearly as much as her mom and dad do. Last week she spent nearly the entire time fixed on a mini-basketball floating in our area. Her hands outstretched for nearly a half hour, she never gave up trying to pull it towards her and figure out a way to get it into her mouth. I’m predicting we have a little baller on our hands. Soccer? Basketball? Water Polo? We’ll see what interests her tomorrow during our Friday dip.
We also get together with our “play group” on Fridays – a group of moms that have been hanging out once a week to enjoy frosty brews and our babes since they were all about four weeks old. Think of it as a conversation circle where we can sip mimosas and talk about poop without anyone flinching.Two weeks ago we hosted playgroup in our little apartment and I snapped some photos of Autumn’s friends (see below). Tomorrow we’ll be enjoying the weather and going for a walk together in Golden Gate park.
Thursday just ended. Friday is here… finally.