The whole tribe traveled north last weekend to celebrate Grant’s birthday. We had a beautiful house in Bodega Bay with an unbeatable view. The weekend away was a surprise for Dad, and he seemed happy to drink it all in; big family meals, ample sofa time, and grandkids all around. Autumn got passed around like a spliff at a Humboldt house party, enjoying some time with her aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents.
Scott and I surprised the birthday boy with a special gift. My dad’s lifelong interest in aviation and the space program rubbed off on his sons in no small way. We’re all airshow junkies and NASA fanboys. A chapter in the history of flight will be closing soon with the end of the Space Shuttle program. The final launch will take place some time in 2010. Scott and I are taking our dad to see one of the Space Shuttle’s final flights; a cross-country adventure for the Pritchard boys. The time is nigh to watch the big bird fly.
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