I don’t remember Halloween being such a big deal in our family like it is in some, but I do remember my mom laboring over hand-made costumes like clowns and cats, and elephants. Sometime’s life feels a bit circular. When Autumn announced she no longer wanted to be a bumblebee this Halloween because “wearing the color black makes me feel sad”, we had to work on a fast Plan B. We re-purposed the bumblebee wings, found some inspiration from a Pottery Barn Kid’s catalog and voila, we had ourselves one “Autumn Fairy”. The night of October 30th as I’m putting in zippers and wrestling with sparkle tulle in the wee hours of the morning, I thought to myself, “How many other moms are staying up tonight doing exactly the same thing I am?” Lots, I’m sure.
We may have pressed the easy button on Carson’s costume, but he was just as adorable. Little man, no one can pull off a pumpkin beret like you.
We spent the evening with our extended family getting the cousins together in a fairy tale suburb of Marin. How perfect that Marley was a gnome (check out the amazing handmade costume by Lindsay & Wayne), Ashytn was a mushroom and their parents came as trees. A bunch of woodland storybook characters we were! Falling leaves and falling rain (hello Oregon childhood & wet costumes) along with the hoards of giddy kids made it feel like a scene from ET. Bring out the Reeses Pieces. Utter joy.
Sharing pics of my own mom’s creations for fun too – Thanks for the memories Mom. The ribbons on Autumn’s dress are dedicated to you. It may have taken 30 years, but we can finally cross that ribbon dress project off the list ; )
On the left: 1981 – Jody at age 4 (same age as Autumn above) in a clown costume my mom handmade. Brian had a matching one.
One the right: Brian as the cat, Jody as the elephant circa 1985? Nice work Mom.
Jody, you raised the bar in the costume department: Autumn’s autumn fairy costume is amazing! And you are right about Carson’s costume: It suits him perfectly. Thanks for the update and the memories. Love, Mom